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 Welcome to our Nursery Class Page

Nursery staff members:

Miss A. Bridges (Class Teacher); Miss K. Mogford (Nursery and Reception); Miss Z. Gut;  Mrs Maoloud (Nursery and Reception); Mrs S. Kousar (Monday-Wednesday); Mrs R. Khan (Thursday-Friday)

Our Class Saint in Nursery is:

Saint. Mary

Curriculum Information

On this page, you will find information about our class learning, which is updated weekly. We will occasionally share links to online resources that can be used to support learning at home. It is important that children are supervised when using these suggested links. 

You can find general information about topics such as online safety, healthy eating and child development under the heading 'EYFS Parent Information' within the 'Parent' tab. Please ask a member of staff if you would like any further guidance and support.

Information about the 'Talking Time' programme we will be taking part in this year can be found here.

You can also find the information sheet in a range of languages here: Talking Time Parent Information Different Languages.

Academic Year 2024-2025

Weekly Reminders Autumn 1:

You can find a copy of our autumn 1 curriculum letter here.

In nursery, the most important thing about this term is to help the children to feel safe, settled and happy whilst at school.

We will do this by introducing the children to our learning environment and daily routine, with a focus upon building positive relationships. Further parts of our curriculum, such as P. E, will be introduced next term.

Week commencing 14.10.24

Reminders this week:

World Food Day on Wednesday! 

This week, the children will be learning the Nursery Rhyme 'Old Macdonald had a farm'. Our focus story is 'I went walking', which is a lovely introduction to animals and will also revisit our learning about colours.

We will also begin to notice and discuss seasonal changes outside. Your child has their own autumn treasure collection bag in their book bag to collect natural items such as leaves, conkers and pine cones (safe items only please - no berries/ mushrooms). Please return these to school by next Monday. 

Week commencing 07.10.24

Reminders this week: 

Parent consultation appointments are on Monday 7th October and should be booked via sco-pay. This is an important opportunity to discuss your child's progress with Miss Bridges. Please contact the school office if you are having any difficulties booking an appointment.

The children can wear something bright for Harvest on Monday. Any donations of tinned/ dry food (e.g. soup, tinned vegetables, pasta) in the morning would be very much appreciated.  

'Hello Yellow' World Mental Health Day on Thursday (children can wear an item of yellow with their school uniform).

'Wear it red' Air Ambulance non-uniform day on Friday - please bring in a £1 donation that will be donated towards the air ambulance charity.

Don't forget to get involved with our space-themed competition - Nursery and Reception's challenge is to create a junk model rocket! These should be given in by Friday 18th October and winners will be announced on the last Friday of term.

This week, the children will be naming and exploring a range of colours! Our song of the week is I can sing a rainbow and our focus story is Brown Bear Brown Bear. 

Week commencing 30.10.24

This week, our song of the week is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We will also be learning the song Zoom Zoom Zoom. This fits in well with our whole school 'Space Day' on Friday, where the children will have the chance to visit a large inflatable 'Space Dome' in the afternoon. How exciting!

The children will be creating stars and rockets with a range of different media.

They will also continue to get to know each other and develop their listening and attention skills through circle time activities.

Week commencing 23.09.24

This week, our song of the week is Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. The children will be introduced to a range of basic body parts through songs and games, but will look closely at their faces and will go on to create self-portraits. These will then be proudly displayed in our cloak room!


The children enjoyed decorating cupcakes for the Douglas Macmillan Coffee Morning. Thank you for all who brought in a donation.

Week commencing 16.09.24

This week, our song of the week is Incy Wincy Spider. The children will take part in lots of 'spider' themed activities. We are expecting a lovely sunny week, so we will be taking part in lots of outdoor activities as well as continuing to introduce new parts within our Nursery day.

Week commencing 09.09.24

Well done to the children for a fantastic first few days in nursery. We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each one of them.

This week, we will introduce our first song of the week, which is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive. The children will continue attending as part of a smaller group on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before attending as a whole class on Thursday and Friday. 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I caught a fish alive | Fish rhymes, Nursery rhymes,  Kids songs

Week commencing 02.09.24

A big welcome to our new children and families joining St. Peter's.

We look forward to seeing all the children for their stay and play session on Wednesday. We have lots of lovely toys and activities ready to play with together. We even have a special treat for the grown-ups to take home!

Academic Year 2023-2024

Week commencing 15.07.24

The children had a great time at our "Wedding" themed party day!

This week there will be lots of activities available based around what the children are interested in and enjoy. We will be recapping learning from the nursery year and will be doing lots of playing in our final week together! Well done children, you are all superstars! Have a magical summer.

Week commencing 08.07.24

This week, we will start to think about what is UNDER the sea at the seaside! Our story of the week will be 'The Rainbow Fish'.

We will be singing a special Rainbow Fish rhyme in class. In Maths, we will be learning this Hippo counting song. 

You can practise your Maths further using this Underwater Sea Creature Counting Game. We will use numbers up to 5, but you could try numbers up to 10 if that is too easy!

The reading area has been popular this week...

Week commencing 01.07.24

This week, we will start our new theme of the Seaside. Our story of the week will be 'Lucy and Tom at the Seaside'. The children will be exploring what they might find at the seaside.


Our song of the week is 'The Big Ship Sails'.

This week, your homework is to recap our learning about mini-beasts by drawing and talking about one with a grown-up at home.

This week, the WHOLE CLASS got awarded the star of the week! Miss Bridges is so proud of how the children have embraced their transition days in Reception and also had a go at standing up and singing at the summer concert even though there were lots of people watching! Well done, we had a yummy ice lolly treat to celebrate!

Week commencing 24.06.24

This week, we will continue with our theme of mini-beasts, with the story 'Snail Trail'. We will use this text to introduce the children to the art-work of Henri Matisse and the children will be making their own Matisse-inspired snails.


We will be recapping lots of aspects from Phase 1 phonics and will be playing a fun game where we throw the beanbag at a picture and then segment the word into their sounds! In Maths, we will be recapping length, comparing the length of different worms.

Our song of the week will be a counting rhyme:

The children loved their music workshop! Thank you, Mrs Wallace for organising. They then made instruments using recycled materials and mixing paints to decorate them.

The children's homework this week is to fill in the missing number on the number track in their homework book. You could also practise recognising and ordering your number cards.

Week commencing 17.06.24

This week our story of the week is 'Twist and Hop Minibeast Bop'.

Our song of the week is 'Wiggly Woo'.

The children will revisit the names of a range of mini-beasts and will make their own 3d models during Forest School.

In Maths, the children will be counting different minibeasts and recording the quantity by selecting or writing the correct numeral. 

We enjoyed inviting parents and carers into class for our 'Pentecost' inspired Inspire Workshop. The children enjoyed making their own wind-chimes and wind-streamers.

The children's homework this week is to send in a photograph of a special celebration.

Week commencing 10.06.24

This week our story of the week is 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.

We will be using our experience at Gruff Outdoor learning to support our learning this week and will be retelling the story in different ways. They will be constructing bridges and will be using positional language in Maths to describe different locations. 

We will be learning a special Billy Goats Gruff song in class this week, but you can practise our new Maths song at home here.

This song reinforces that numbers are in a special order. Children can also practise ordering numbers at home using this 'Top Marks' game.

The children found lots of minibeasts during their Forest School session! This will help them with their learning next week.

The children enjoyed playing with their special people for our 'Father's Day Stay and Play' on Friday!

The children's homework this week is practise identifying more/ fewer.

Week commencing 03.06.24

 This week, our story of the week is 'Guess how much I love you in the Summer'.

Our song of the week will be 'Summer sun'.

The children will be exploring seasonal changes in summer - exploring different colours and creating their own colourful summer-inspired pictures. In Forest School, we will go for a seasonal colour scavenger hunt!

In phonics, children will begin to orally segment words into their sounds, e.g. cat into c-a-t. In Maths, we will be placing numbers 1-5 in order. In R. E, we will hear the story of Pentecost. Our rescheduled Inspire Workshop will be based around the theme of Pentecost in a few weeks' time, and there will be a letter sent home for this soon. 

The children's homework this week will be to draw something that they might see in the summer. You could go on a walk together to help you. 

We had a great time at Gruff Outdoor Learning this week. The children were so gentle towards the animals, petting them and feeding them. They heard the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and then made some crafts to take home. They finished the day exploring Gruff's imaginative play garden! Well done children.

The children's homework this week is to draw something that they might see during the summer.

Week commencing 20.05.24

This week, our story of the week is 'Handa's Surprise'. You can watch an animation of the story here.

We will build on our learning about healthy eating by learning the names of some new fruits from the story, including guava, avocado, mango and passion fruit. On Tuesday, we will be walking to the supermarket to buy these fruits. The next day, we will be describing the fruits using new vocabulary and then tasting them. 

In Maths, we will be comparing quantities by using the words, more and fewer. Our song of the week is a counting song called 'One elephant went out to play'. 

There will be some optional homework inside your child's book bag. Please practise your reading book and have a lovely week off! 

Week commencing 13.05.24

Over the past few weeks, we have been observing the growth and changes of some tiny caterpillars! They emerged as butterflies last week. We have been taking good care of them, making sure that they have fruit and nectar and then releasing them outside.

We will be applying our observations by learning all about the lifecycle of a butterfly and sequencing the different stages. We will be using vocabulary such as egg, caterpillar, chrysallis and butterfly. To help us, our story of the week is 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.

You can watch a version of the story here.

We had a lovely sensory experience of the story this week! The children ate the same fruits as the caterpillar and then at the end they flapped their wings like butterflies! We also released our own butterflies that we have watched transform in our classroom.

Our song of the week is 'There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf'.

In Maths this week, we will be describing the length of items, using vocabulary such as long, short, longer, shorter, longest, shortest. Please support your child's learning by talking about the length of items at home e.g. you might compare the length of a long crayon and a short crayon whilst drawing. 

The children's homework this week is to practise their alliteration skills by going on a sound hunt! Firstly, choose a sound to focus on (this might be the sound that your child's name begins with). Then, try and think of at least 3 words that begin with this sound. You could do this by going on a sound hunt at home! For example, Miss Bridges might find a mop, mat and  a muffin.

Week commencing 06.05.24

This week we will be focusing on pets and how vets help us to care for them. If your child has a family pet then please send a photograph to our homework email address. The children will also be applying their learning about staying safe and healthy by completing some sorting activities about the different services we have covered. Our story of the week is 'Kipper's new pet' and we will also be sharing some non-fiction texts about vets too.

Our song of the week is 'B-I-N-G-O'.

For Maths this week, we will be describing the height of items, using the language of short, shorter, shortest and tall, taller, tallest. The children's homework this week will be to find three items and order them based upon their height. 

We enjoyed our special celebration day for Saint Mary on Tuesday!

Week commencing 29.04.24

This week, we will continue to learn about services that help us. This week, we will be focusing upon police officers and firefighters. On Tuesday, we will have a visit from our local PCSO to help us to learn more about their important role. How exciting! Keep an eye out for photographs.

The stories we will read to help us are:

In Maths, we will practise matching numerals to different quantities and will recap different ways of representing numbers 0-5. For our daily singing, we will practise singing our different Ten Town songs. This week, there will be some number cards for your child to practise their number recognition and counting skills. This is something that you could practise with your child on a weekly basis, if it is something they find challenging. You should also continue to practise building your child's name with them.

We had a fantastic day on Tuesday. The children met our local PCSO and learnt lots about their role in helping to keep us safe.

Week commencing 22.04.24

This week, we will start to think about how we have grown and what services help us to stay safe and healthy. This week we will be focusing on doctors and dentists. The stories we will read to help us are:

The songs that we will be learning are

Brush your teeth and Miss Polly had a dolly

In Maths this week we will be learning how to represent the number 5 in lots of different ways.

As we will be exploring different ways to stay healthy this week, the children's homework will be to think of their favourite healthy meal. 

We had a fantastic time on Thursday during our visit from the "Little Library Van". We hope that the children have enjoyed reading the book inside their pack that they were kindly gifted at the sessions.

Week commencing 15.04.24

This week, our story of the week is 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. Our song of the week is 'I'm a little bean'.

In Maths, we will recap our learning of 2D shape names and properties and will begin to learn the names and properties of 3D shapes. The children will then be using 3D shapes and junk model materials to build their own castles, like in the story. They will also be planting their own beans to observe over time.

To support their understanding of the world, children will be planting their own beans, looking after them and observing their growth over time. We also had a special delivery last week of some real caterpillars to look after. The children will be observing their transformation into butterflies over the next few weeks.

In Phonics, children will be introduced to a toy that only talks in "sound talk" and will be blending sounds together to figure out what they are saying. You could practise this at home by breaking down simple words within instructions, into their sounds only e.g. get your c-oa-t - coat! 

The children's homework this week is to look for 3D shapes around their home using the checklist provided in their homework book. A kind reminder that children should share their school reading books at least three times a week at home to support their progress. They could also continue to match the letters in their name or build this independently using the activity within their homework book.

Week commencing 08.04.24

This week, we will be learning about the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. Our story of the week is 'The most exciting Eid'.

In Maths, we will continue to practise creating simple repeating patterns and the children's homework will be to try and create a pattern at home. In Phonics, we will recap and consolidate some of the earlier aspects we have done in Phase 1 before moving on to oral segmenting next week. We will also be planting some different seeds within the outdoor area to care for and observe this term. 

Please see our curriculum letter for Summer 1.

The children had a fantastic forest school session on Tuesday. Linking with their learning about Eid al-Fitr, the children made some bread and had a feast of bread and home-made jam together, yum yum! They also made some colourful prints by pressing down on flower petals. 

We also had a lovely morning inviting parents in for our 'Eid al-Fitr' inspired stay and play session.

Week commencing 18.03.24

This week, we will be learning about traditions within the celebration of Easter. The children will be taking part in their own egg hunt and tasting hot cross buns!

Our story of the week is 'We're going on an egg hunt' and our song of the week is 'Hop little Bunnies'

In Phonics, we will be using the story "Hippo wears a hat" to try and match animals with items of clothing that start with the same sound! In Maths, children will start to copy and continue repeating patterns.

The children will then be off for the Easter holidays and will return to school on Monday 8th April. There will be no set homework over the holidays, but please continue to read as much as you can! There will also be some optional activities within your child's book. 

The children had a fantastic time during the 'Teddy Bear Hospital' workshops. They learnt how to brush their teeth, the role of a doctor in helping people, what to do in an emergency and also the importance of helping others.


We also learnt about the story of Palm Sunday in our learning about Holy Week and the significance of the cross during Easter traditions - the children really enjoyed tasting hot cross buns! On Friday, the children had a treat and went on an egg hunt. They each had a special surprise hiding inside!

Week commencing 11.03.24

This week our story of the week is 'Rabbit's Spring Adventure'. You can find our song of the week here.

The children will begin to look for signs of spring and will create spring-inspired artwork. In Maths, children will expand on their learning about the number 4 by naming and describing 4 sided shapes (squares and rectangles). In Phonics, the children will continue to play games to practise their alliteration skills. You can support this at home by pointing out the sound that words begin with and making connections to other words that begin with this same sound. In Phonics, we pronounce pure sounds - you can watch a video that shows how we say pure sounds here. 

The children had a great time at Forest school. They enjoyed playing games on the big field, looking for signs of spring and then making natural decorations with their found items.

The children have also been practising writing numerals using our Ten Town number rhymes and have enjoyed reading a range of story books in the reading area.

The children's homework this week is to look for signs of spring using the checklist provided. For an extra challenge, they could create a spring-inspired picture! We would love to see some photographs that we can share in class!

Week commencing 04.03.24

This week our story of the week is 'The Higgly Hen'. 

The children will be learning about the lifecycle of a hen and our song of the week is 'Chick, Chick, Chick, Chick Chicken'.  

In Phonics, children will continue to take part in alliteration activities. In Maths, children will learn about the number 4 - keep an eye out for it to be unlocked in Ten Town! The children's homework is to colour in the 'Zero Ponds'. Remember the Zero pond has no creatures that live in it!

Well done to the children for taking part in the sponsored egg and spoon race, which raised funds for 'Father Hudson's Care'.

Week commencing 26.02.24

This week, our story of the week is the traditional tale 'The Three Little Pigs', where the children will practise orally retelling the story and will build their own house using junk model materials. In Maths, the children will practise their learning of numbers 1-3 and will also be introduced to the 'Zero Pond' (which will be unlocked on Ten-Town this week). In Phonics, children will begin to develop their awareness of alliteration and will begin to notice that some words begin with the same initial sound.


You can watch an animated version of the story here.

Our song of the week is 'Busy Farmer Ben'.

The children's homework this week is to practise using the positional language (on, under, in front, behind). Please continue to practise this new language lots at home through games and daily routines! 

Week commencing 19.02.24

We hope you have had a great week off and we are looking forward to welcoming the children back into Nursery. This week, we will start our new theme 'On the farm'. Our story of the week is 'Say Hello to the Animals'.

In Phonics, we will be using our voice to make different sounds and will be looking at our mouth movements as we do so. In Maths, we will begin to use new vocabulary to describe different positions and locations. We will using the story 'Rosie's Walk' to help us with this. Our song of the week is 'I went to visit a farm one day'. 

The children's homework this week is to draw a picture of an animal that they may see on the farm and to discuss what it looks like, what sound it makes and what it might eat.  You can find an online copy of our Spring 2 newsletter here.

Week commencing 05.02.24

This week, we will be taking part in Children's Mental Health Week. Our story of the week is 'The Colour Monster', where the children will be learning to recognise and name different emotions. The children will be taking part in a range of activities to create their own 'colour monsters' and will try to convey emotions through drawing and painting. We will also be taking part in 'Safer Internet Day', where children will be learning about how to stay safe when using electronic devices. In Maths, we will be looking at the number three, so keep an eye out for Thelma Three Ten Town resources to be unlocked! Our song of the week is 'If I were a Butterfly'.

On Monday, the children had a visit from a real author who shared their own story about Maurice the Moose!

Week commencing 29.01.24

This week, we have been learning about the upcoming celebration of Chinese and Lunar New Year. Our story of the week is 'Dragon Dance'. You can also find our song of the week 'Dragon Dance' here.

The children's homework this week will be to think about their favourite things and to share these through drawings or photographs. This will support our learning next week for Children's Mental Health Week.

The children worked collaboratively to create a large dragon puppet. We then created our very own Chinese and Lunar New Year parade! On Friday, we tasted some traditional Chinese food. Yummy!

We also walked to the church this week to learn more about why this is a special place. The children recognised the Font and Father Phillip even demonstrated what would happen during a Baptism ceremony.


You may wish to extend the children's learning further by attending a free Chinese and Lunar New Year celebration at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery on the 11th February. You can find more information here.

Week commencing 22.01.24

This week, our story of the week is 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. We will be retelling the story in lots of different ways. We will begin to look at number 3 and will also be comparing and ordering the size of items from the story. The children will also be making and tasting porridge with a choice of toppings. Yum yum!

Our song of the week is 'When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears'.

The children's homework for this week will be to find 3 toys or items at home that are different sizes. Can you put them in order based upon their size? Which is the biggest? Which is the smallest?

The children have had lots of fun engaging in activities about this story. On Wednesday, we arrived at school to find that Goldilocks had broken a chair and eaten all of Miss Bridges' porridge! Luckily, she left some ingredients to make some more. The children thought the porridge was "just right", yum yum!

Week commencing 15.01.24

This week, our story of the week is 'Elmer's Special Day', where we will continue exploring patterns as part of our Maths learning.

Our song of the week is 'Elephants have wrinkles'

Your child's homework this week is to show the number 2 in different ways. Please also have a look at Ten-Town as 'Tommy Two' will now be unlocked!

This week the children have built on from their learning about winter last week, by thinking about how we can help to look after the birds during the cold weather. Children have learnt that it might become trickier for birds to find food during the winter because of the soil being hard or their food being covered in snow! We have made our own bird feeders to hang up on the tree outside our classroom.

We also had lots of fun playing in the snow on Tuesday - making snow castles!

If you were unable to attend our 'Homework' and 'Reading book' meeting, then you can find a copy of the PowerPoint here.

Week commencing 08.01.24. 

This week, the children have been learning all about the season of winter. They have made a range of winter-inspired artwork and have explored ice activities, using new vocabulary. 

Our song of the week is 'I'm a little snow man'

Our story of the week is:

You can find a copy of our 'Spring 1' newsletter here.

Week Our commencing 18.12.23

We have had a busy, fun-filled last week of term.

On Tuesday, the children did amazing in their Christmas performance. Thank you parents and carers for your support.

On Wednesday, the children had a surprise visit from Buddy the elf, who they enjoyed singing, dancing and playing games with.

This was then followed by a yummy Christmas dinner.

On Thursday, the children came in to find some snowy elf footprints and a letter from Buddy, who had delivered them all a gift from Father Christmas. They then had a party lunch, followed by party games.

There will be no homework set over the holidays, but please continue to read and share stories together at home. You can also find your home log in details to 'Ten Town', where you can explore King One's story, song and games together.

Week commencing 11.12.23

This week, our focus story is 'Stick Man'. The children will be exploring the changes in weather as it changes from the season of autumn to winter. They will also begin learning about the celebration of Christmas.

In Phonics, the children will begin exploring body percussion sounds and will be making different patterns with their body, such as stamp, clap, stamp, clap.

In Maths, the children will be learning all about the number one.

This week's homework challenge is to find the numeral one at home. Children should also practise showing 'one' in different ways - such as showing one finger or counting out one toy from a larger set.

In your child's homework book this week, you will find log-in details so that you can access our Ten Town maths resources at home. When we cover a number in class, it will become unlocked on Ten-Town. This week, the resources linked to our special character 'King One' will be unlocked! 

We had a lovely parent lunch together this week! We are looking forward to hosting another parent lunch next year.

Week commencing 04.12.23

This week, our focus story is the traditional tale 'The Gingerbread man'. The children will be baking and decorating their own gingerbread biscuits and will practise retelling the story using different story language. 

The children will be introduced to the concept of weight and will be using the language of "heavier" and "lighter", whilst exploring the balance scales.

Luckily, our gingerbread biscuits didn't run away!

We had a lovely day taking part in the whole school retreat day, based around the theme of "Advent".

The children were thinking about how they can shine the light of Jesus.

The children have been developing their pre-writing skills through our Wiggle into Squiggle sessions. This week, we have been making CIRCLES! 

This week, the children have some pictures of 'The Gingerbread Man' story in their books. Can they retell the story at home? They could even have a go at drawing their own Gingerbread man!

Week commencing 27.11.23

This week, we are learning about hedgehogs and owls. The stories that we will look at closely are 'The Very Helpful Hedgehog' and 'Owl Babies'.

On Monday, a volunteer from a local hedgehog charity is coming to visit us to help us to learn how we can lok after hedgehogs in the wild and to show us a real hedgehog. We will be helping the charity by giving them a donation of food for the hedgehogs in the rescue. The children will then make their own hedgehogs and owls with a range of different media.

In Maths, we will be exploring patterns in time and will be sorting events into those that happen in the day and those that happen at night. In Phonics, we will be listening carefully to sounds made by instruments to see if we can guess which one is being played behind a screen! 

The children's homework activity this week is to talk about things that they might see or do during the day-time and night-time. They could even try to draw a picture of both as an extra challenge!

Week commencing 20.11.23

This week our story of the week is 'The Gruffalo'. We will be retelling the story in different ways, learning a special Gruffalo song and creating different characters from the story! We have also been creating and decorating our own instruments to shake loudly and quietly in our Phase 1 Phonics lesson.

The children's homework activity this week is to go on a shape hunt and to look for circles and triangles at home.

Week commencing 13.11.23

This week we are taking part in our whole school inter-faith week and will be learning about Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, celebrated on Sunday 12th November. Our story of the week is called 'Lighting a lamp'.

The children will be exploring light and darkness, will make their own clay Diya lamp and Rangoli patterns. Look at some of the children's amazing creations!

You can watch the below Cbeebies video about Diwali:

What is Diwali? - CBeebies - BBC

We will also be taking part in World Nursery Rhyme week and will be singing a rhyme a day.

The children's homework activity this week is: To sing their favourite Nursery rhyme and create a picture/ craft based upon this. 

Here are some photographs from our Nursery Rhyme Week Stay and Play - what a lovely morning we had!

Week commencing 06.11.23

This week the children will be learning about Bonfire Night. They will be talking about the sounds and colours of different fireworks and will learn a song about fireworks. They will create different firework-inspired artwork and use instruments to express different firework sounds. We will also be making links to the fire service and the children will be listening to stories about how the fire service helps us.

The children will also learn that the poppy is a special remembrance flower and will visit our whole school poppy display that they have contributed to. 

Thank you to all parents/ carers who attended our first "share a story" session in the library. We are hoping to deliver one of these sessions each term. 

Half Term 30.11.23 - 07.11.23 (Children will return to school on Tuesday)

Week commencing 23.10.23

This week we will continue learning about the season of autumn and how the natural world changes at this time of year. Our focus story is called ‘autumn’, which we will use to promote lots of group discussion.

Our song of the week is ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’. The children love to jump up and shake their arms and feet for this song!

Here are some photographs of what we have been up to!

Week commencing 16.10.23

This week we will be learning about the season of autumn. Our focus story is ‘Guess How Much I Love You in the Autumn’.

We will look for signs of autumn by walking around the school grounds and then take part in a range of activities back in the classroom. We are also very excited about playing on our new playground, which should be finished this week after lots of heavy rain!

Our song of the week is ‘Autumn leaves are falling down’. Can you sing along at home?

Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down - The Kiboomers Preschool & Circle Time Songs - Fall Song - YouTube

Week commencing 09.10.23

This week we will be learning to name colours. Our focus story is called ‘Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?’

Our song of the week is ‘I can sing a Rainbow’. Can you sing along at home?

I can sing a rainbow – BBC Teach

We have been making our own magic listening ears and have been listening out for different indoor and outdoor sounds at school!

Week commencing 02.10.23

This week we will be learning more about each other. We will be sharing some lovely simple stories about going to Nursery, sharing our 'All About Me' boxes and the children will paint their self-portrait. Keep an eye out for your child's painting on our cloakroom display!

Our song of the week is 'Head Shoulders Knees and Toes'.

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes - BBC Teach

Week commencing 25.09.23

This week the children will be staying for their dinner. Miss Bridges will then discuss your child’s individual progress with you.  Your child will bring home their book bag on Monday which will contain some important letters inside – one that will outline our curriculum for this term, one that contains information about the work commencing on the Early Years playground and the other about how to set up your school payment account. We kindly ask that once your child has their school book bag, that all other bags stay at home or on their cloakroom peg. 

Our Nursery Rhyme this week is ‘Old Macdonald had a farm’. We will be singing the song and also reading some simple farm animal story books.

Can you practise singing the song at home using the link below?

Old MacDonald had a farm – BBC Teach

Week commencing 18.09.23

Well done to the children on their first full week in Nursery!

This week we will continue settling the children into Nursery and introducing them to our routines.

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week will be 'Incy Wincy Spider' and the children will be creating their own spider with different materials. Can you practise singing the song at home using the link below?

Incy Wincy Spider Song

The children are doing so well. We are very proud of each one of them. We are sure that we are going to have a fantastic year of learning and fun together.

Week commencing 11.09.23

The children will start on Monday for their staggered induction this week. We are so excited to do lots of playing together.

Our first topic is ‘Nursery Rhymes’. Each week we will learn a new Nursery Rhyme and have lots of activities to do based around this song. Our first song will be ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’. Can you practise singing the song at home using the link below?

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star | Early Years – Nursery Rhymes

Week commencing 04.09.23

A big welcome to our new children and families joining us at St. Peter's.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Miss Bridges and another member of the Nursery team will be visiting the children in their home before they start on Monday… how exciting! We have lots of lovely activities ready for when the children start school and even a little treat for parents.