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Prayer and Liturgy


Academic Year 2024-2025

Please find below the January Parent Newsletter from Ten Ten. We encourage you to use this as a family to pray together at home.


Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of January: The Pope asks we pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, will always be respected.


Let his glory shine!

We are preparing our hearts and minds this Advent for the coming of Jesus Christ our Saviour. 

Thank you that you sent Jesus at Christmas to give us the hope that the world can be a better place. Please help us to play our part in bringing hope and peace to the world.


The children in reception have visited the chapel today to learn about prayer and offer their own prayers to God


The children have led an assembly today around COP 29. We have been reflecting on our responsibilities as stewards of God's creation and we have been thinking how we can work together to care for our common home. We have also discussed as a school how we are trying to live sustainably by planting and growing our own food. 

Yr 1 have been spending time in the chapel to support with their unit on Prayer. The children have been learning about objects which Christians may use to help them to pray. The children have also be learning traditional prayers such as the Glory Be and the Eternal Rest








Academic Year 2023-2024

Please find below the July Parent Newsletter from Ten Ten. We encourage you to use this as a family to pray together at home.


 Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of July 2024; We pray with Pope Francis that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick may grant the Lord’s strength to those who receive it and to their loved ones, and that it may become for everyone an ever more visible sign of compassion and hope.

Please find Pope Francis' video message below

Today we shared in a moment of prayer and thanksgiving. We welcomed parishioners to join us in our newly developed prayer garden and prayed together. 



Reception have shared and celebrated with parents all about their class saint St. Peter for his feast day on the 29th June. They held a liturgy and together created prayers, paintings, church's to celebrate and learn about the special Saint of our school. 

We welcomed the Lay Chaplin and children from St. Margaret Ward including a past pupil today. They shared about the inspirational John Baptist de La Salle and invited children to respond with random acts of kindness throughout the day



Nursery have celebrated Pentecost with a parent "Inspire" workshop. The children learnt all about the awe and wonder of air creating  3d wind catchers.


Yr 4 have celebrated their class saint this week, St. Mark, with an inspire work shop for parents. The children shared special stories and messages from scripture and created collages and paintings to remember Mark's bravery. 







Our Values and Virtues for this half term:

Eloquent & Truthful


Eloquent: the ability to speak or write fluently, persuasively and appropriately. We are eloquent when we use language to express our ideas or opinions clearly and with conviction. When we choose our words, we should do so carefully so they are kind and compassionate, and don’t hurt others. Eloquence isn’t limited to speaking and writing. We can express ourselves in other ways like music, drama, painting or dance. We should use our creative gifts to say things in a way that is interesting, truthful, memorable and faithful.


Truthful: God wants us to be truthful in all we do. Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’, so being honest and truthful means we are following in his footsteps and living life the way God wants us to. Being truthful is being faithful to ourselves and to Jesus. We should stand up for the truth.

Where we hear about this in the Bible?

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Lord, help me to use my words to encourage others and build them up far more than critiquing or criticising them.

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


Proverbs 24:26

Dear God, teach me to speak the truth always. Help me to be honest at all times.

Share this prayer with your child

Lord God,

help us to know the truth,

and to speak the truth,

today and always.




Yr 6 have begun our Lenten journey with the story of Palm Sunday with a focus on Jesus being represented as our King and the emotions felt on that day. The children, as always were reverent and prayerful as begin our journey in the most spiritual way. 


The children continue to lead us in prayer during Lent and through the power of role play allow us to see and feel what it was really like...


The children in Yr 6 hosted a "Inspire" workshop with parents centred around their Sacramental preparation. They listened to the scripture from the Acts of the Apostles and used this as inspiration to create a symbol which represents their own journey in faith. 




We have welcomed Jo into our school from the Father Hudson's Society who was able to share all they do to help and support the poorest and vulnerable in our communities. During Lent we will be working together to raise money, to enable this support to continue in the future. 


January 2024

   Here is an example of one of our classes this week who listened to the words of Jesus from this week's Gospel. Jesus said "Come and See me". Mrs Hackney challenged us this week to go forth and respond to this. Spend time and get to know Jesus. We have focussed on the prayer of the Our Father this week in response to Pope Francis and his declaration of the Year of Prayer. 


Such a special way to begin Advent. We thank One Live for spending the day with us as we begin our journey into Advent. We wait and prepare for the light!

Let his Glory Shine!




During November, the Month of the Holy Souls we pray for all saints who have died and gone to heaven and for all faithful departed who have died and are in purgatory. We give thanks for their example and witness of being attentive and discerning throughout their lives to their vocational calling.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

On Remembrance day, we remember all those who have lost their lives, who grieve and those who live with the consequences of war. We pray for the end of all wars and for true peace everywhere. 


The Rosary Challenge.

 It is important to remember the importance of praying the Rosary. We would like to offer this challenge to be taken up at home. Please click on the link below for information and video resources to help pray the rosary at home with your family.

World Mission Sunday this year is on 22 October. On this day the whole Church unites together through prayer for its missionary activity and by collecting funds to support Catholic communities across the world experiencing situations of poverty and turmoil.

The theme chosen by the Holy Father is: ‘Hearts on fire, feet on the move’ (based on Luke 24). In his message for World Mission Sunday Pope Francis encourages us all to set hearts ablaze with God’s love and compassion for ‘everyone has the right to receive the Gospel and we as Christ’s followers have the duty to proclaim it without excluding anyone.’

Donations and prayers on this day have direct impact on Catholic communities overseas where the Church is too young, too small, or too poor to flourish without help from the rest of the Church. Our donations help build the Church, support vocations, and enable missionaries to carry out their mission in often dangerous and remote places.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Missio through prayer and charity. Please encourage your parish to do all they can to celebrate this day in solidarity with the whole Church. For more information about World Mission Sunday, please visit:


Today we celebrated out Harvest Festival, with members of the Parish from St. Joseph’s Food Bank. We thank our generous families once again for working in solidarity towards the common good. 





Children in Yr1 have celebrated their class saint St. Francis of Assisi’s feast day. They have led an assembly for whole school and parents to tell them the story of St. Francis.




This was then followed by an inspire workshop for parents. We have been inspired by St. Francis and acted as stewards of God’s creation. Today we made fat balls for the birds to feed them during the winter. We also planted bulbs ready for the Spring







The Good Samaritans have planned and delivered a liturgy for the key stage 1 children this week based around the theme of being generous. The children are listening to the Pope’s teaching and responding by supporting the Douglas Macmillan coffee morning.



We have welcomed Imam Nadeem Tariq into our school to celebrate a very special occasion with the children. We were privileged to learn about and celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. We were very grateful of his time and also for the delicious treats that were brought in for the children. 

Yr 1 have gathered together this week to learn from Pope Francis. He is helping us with ideas on how to pray through the 5 finger prayer. 

Academic Year 2022-2023

The children in reception and their parents have enjoyed learning and celebrating our Class Saint, St. Peter. The children made churches, wrote prayers and also reflected on what they could do to unlock the kingdom of God






The children in Year 3 have celebrated with parents the receiving of Holy Communion. They have used the scripture from the “Last Supper” to create stunning art work. 






Nursery parents have enjoyed their inspire workshop exploring “air” linked to the children’s learning about the story of Pentecost. 






We started the term with a visit from our Catholic Senior Executive Leader Ian Beardmore and Matt Mccorigan the lay Chaplin from St. Margaret Ward. They brought with them the Newman Catholic Collegiate Prayer. I am proud to say a selection of St. Peter’s children were apart of the process of working with the other schools to create this. This prayer is now displayed in our school hall and will be said throughout our prayer and liturgy in school. 




As Pentecost falls on the 28th May and we are not in school please see below a link to a virtual prayer bag. Please use this to pray as a family and welcome the Holy spirit into your lives.


As a whole school we have dedicated our prayers for King Charles III in our outdoor prayer space in line with the coronation















Please keep scrolling down to see how we celebrate Prayer and Liturgy within our school:

Yr 2 have held their Easter “Inspire workshop” and celebrated the Risen Christ by making Easter Gardens together 






Yr 2 have led a beautiful liturgy this morning with the Crowning of Mary.

This dedication was then continued and displayed in the outside prayer garden.





The Good Samaritans have planned and led their own prayer and liturgy in classes to discuss our charitable outreach for the this half term. The children talked about the Father Hudson’s Society, who they were and how they supported local people and families. The children have given out the donation boxes as we ask families once more for your support for this local charity. 

Howard has inspired the children once more this week with his Lenten prayer and liturgy. The children were able to learn about Jesus’ sacrifice and use this knowledge to Go Forth and make a difference to others through their own actions. 

This week we have created a Lenten Prayer wall outside as a whole school. We have taken this time to be reflective, thinking about what is important during this time. 

Yr 3 have reflected on the prayer The Act of Contrition and Reception have been asking God to guided them to help others and be kind and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.




As we will not be in school for Ash Wednesday please find below a short liturgy you can share as a family from “One Live” music.

Yr 6 have held an “Inspire Workshop” with parents based around their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The children and parents worked together to create stunning at work on tiles and the symbol their chose for the middle represented their faith journey. 




Yr 1 have held a very special “Inspire” prayer and liturgy session for Mental health week. The theme this year is “Connect us” so to demonstrate our solidarity and respect for all, parents came together to create their own prayers for the prayer garden. They also supported the children in planting spring bulbs to continue to be stewards of God’s creation.






Yr 5 have planned and led their own prayer and liturgy and decided to encourage the children to pray alongside other Christians in unity for Christian unity week. The children today thought about how we can pray to heal relationships, bring peace and think about human dignity.  


We welcomed parents and governors of our school family to share in a very important child led liturgy about their class Saint Maximilian Kolbe led by Yr6. They shared sensitive yet important information about how he is an inspiration to us today, how he stood up for the truth and with his faith stood for the human dignity of others. We have learnt to go forth with this in our minds and remembering that God created us all equal in his own image and to look at others as neighbours and live our lives with dignity. 


Yr 3 began the new year with a child led liturgy based around the “New year”.

The children wanted to think about goals for the new year which could be personal to them or something they could set with their family. The children know it can be hard to stick to resolutions and things can go wrong, but God is always there to help us and when we are struggling and we can ask God for help. The children have been inspired to ‘Go forth and live out your New Years resolutions, remember if you make a mistake, just try again because God will always forgive you! ‘

Yr 5 “Advent Inspire workshop”

Yr 5 have begun Advent this year with an “Inspire workshop” for parents. Together they have used the symbols of Advent to create a clay Advent countdown





















Let all Creation Sing Retreat day

Today we were blessed with a chance to come together with Dan and Emily from One life music. We praised and thank God through prayer and song. The children led the liturgy, signing and singing. What a wonderful opportunity to explore God’s creation and learn how we can be true Stewards to Care for the Common Home










Cop 27

This week the Eco group have led an assembly for the rest of the school discussing the launch of Cop 27. The children have been using the Catholic Social teaching principle “Care for the common home” to invite the children to think how they themselves can be stewards of God’s creation and be a part of the solution. 

Yr6 Class Trip to St. Chad’s Cathedral

Yr 6 have been blessed this week to visit the heart of our Catholic Diocese and become closer with God. The children celebrated mass, with Kevin and Oba partaking in the offertory of the gifts. 

The children were so fortunate to join in prayer with Arch Bishop Longley, who took time to speak with each and everyone of our children. 






The Head Pupils represented the school for the Combined School Mass with Celebrant Bishop Stephen Wright


We have welcomed back Howard into our school who has been telling us stories from Mark’s Gospel. We have learnt from these stories how Jesus was filled with Compassion and Love and how we can use this to inspire us to do the same in our day to day lives.



 The children have taken part in a live stream “In the presence of the relics of St. Bernadette.” Archbishop Bernard lead us in prayer, The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. We remembered St. Bernadette her love for Our Lady and the gift of prayer. 






Yr 1 class saint assembly and “Inspire” workshop

Well done to Year 1 who were able to spread the important lesson’s that St. Francis taught us from his life. We have welcomed parents to share in our collective worship this morning and in solidarity we have put our faith into action. We have demonstrated we are stewards of God’s creation by creating fat balls together for the birds for the winter as well as planting daffodils and tulips for the Spring creatures. 














We have taken our collective worship outside this week to create a rainbow prayer wall of Hope, Peace and Love. 









Academic Year 2021-2022

We thank Fr. Matthew and parents who joined us for the “Inspire Worshop” in Year 4. The session was based around the Eucharist and a celebration for the children that received their First Holy Communion. The children and parents together made some stunning Artwork to represent this. 







We were so happy to welcome back Howard to our school who always brings the message of Jesus to life! The children really enjoyed learning about Walking with Jesus in our everyday life and the story of Easter. We even got the chance to praise God through song with Howard and his guitar.